Student Government Association

The purpose of the Student Government Association is to listen to the student body, to create and maintain relations between the student body and the greater Smith community, and to advocate for student needs.
Every student is a member of the SGA, which is responsible for taking up campus issues and responding to student concerns. The SGA also acts as a liaison for students and organizations to the college’s administration and the board of trustees, and allocates money to organizations and students for activities.
Senate Meeting Minutes: The Smith Social Network contains the meeting minutes under Documents.
The SGA Cabinet refers pertinent issues to the Senate for legislation, and to the administration for policy resolution. The SGA Cabinet also works to ensure the financially stability of the SGA and allocates money to support events, groups, and individuals who are benefiting the Smith College community. Each class has a cabinet, which includes the class president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian and social chair. Class cabinets work together on class events and fundraisers. Cabinet members are elected in campus-wide and class-wide elections in the spring and fall.
Meetings for 2024–2025 will take place on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Campus Center 204.
Class Cabinet Descriptions
The student senate provides an open space for anyone to come with ideas and concerns about the Smith community. As a governing body for Smith, they aim to be transparent, effective and efficient with every decision they make. Senators are responsible for approving the charters of new student organizations, as well as overseeing the bylaws and guidelines of various SGA committees and groups. They have the opportunity to sit on issue-based committees, with interests ranging from dining to disability services.
Meetings are open to all: Thursdays at 7 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room
Get Involved
There are numerous ways to get involved on campus. Each house offers a variety of possibilities for students to get involved and participate in house council activities under the umbrella of the SGA.
Student Funding
Organization funding come from the student activities fee. These funding policies will help you and your organization better manage the event planning process. Note that the Finance Committee does not accept retroactive applications.
All budgets are due to the Social Network by 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Finance meeting at which it will be discussed. Finance meetings are every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. Applications are considered retroactive if the event is to take place before the Wednesday budget meeting for which it is submitted.
Example: Submit the application by Monday 5 p.m. for an event to be discussed at that Tuesday’s meeting. That event may be held at the earliest that Wednesday.
Please submit complex and thorough applications well in advance of the event to allow for follow-up discussion with the Finance Committee prior to their approval of your budget. When in doubt, contact the SGA VP of Finance.
SGA Budget
The operating budget for the Student Government Association comes out of the Student Activities Fee, which is a part of every student’s tuition.
The Operating Budget briefly describes each SGA account; how much money each account was allocated last year; how much money each account spent last year; and how much money the SGA has allocated for the current year. Open the Student Government Association 2023–24 Budget (PDF).
Any questions regarding the SGA budget should be directed to the vice president of finance.
Student Vehicle Usage
Smith College has a pool of Facilities Management vehicles that student groups and houses can reserve. If you have questions or concerns, please contact or 413-585-4950.
Contact Student Government
Campus Center Lower Level
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-4950 Email:
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10 a.m.–6 p.m.